UK Tribute
This month we begin a new editorial sponsorship arrangement with MBM Music Management. This well-known Lancashire company is run by Directors Anne Barrett and Janine Yarker with Phil Barrett Founder of MBM having retired but still on hand in the background to offer his expertise in the music industry. We are delighted to welcome this arrangement, which will feature editorial content, logo display and advertising space. We are sure this will prove to be a long and mutually beneficial arrangement.
Q: When did MBM first launch and how and why did the company become so heavily involved in the tribute scene?
A; Music Business Management Ltd ( MBM to our friends and industry colleagues ) was launched in 1992 and in the early days we started out booking local bands and singers. The venues we were providing entertainment to were starting to ask if we could book some of the artists who were appearing on Granada’s Stars In Their Eyes and it was then that we saw an opportunity to put together a roster of the popular tributes. The tribute market took off and we’ve never looked back.
Q: Do you personally manage some artistes or do you see your company more as a general supplier of tribute entertainment?
A; We produce and manage over 20 tribute shows and book dozens more represented tribute shows throughout the UK, Europe and the Middle East. We are always on the lookout to add more quality tributes to our roster.
Q: What are your views on how tribute entertainment has changed since we first began to see such acts emerge?
A; Tribute performances are by far the biggest growth area in the entertainment industry. The most popular and busiest tributes have gone to great lengths recreating the showmanship and perfecting the sound-a-like and look-a-like to their heroes. The best shows have invested thousands of pounds on professional showreels, costumes, wigs and top quality marketing to help sell their shows. There are no short cuts to putting together a professional, quality tribute show.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for features on this tribute music dedicated page, please get in touch with us at mark.ritchie@ukcabaret.com