If you/your company are planning to run showcase events, we can help. Our Forthcoming Showcases page in the magazine is entirely free of charge for any full magazine subscriber involved in the production of ANY showcase.
Please note we do not include charity events as comparable to showcases.
If you are an agency representing acts on a showcase, we would be pleased to consider your event for review coverage by our team of reviewers.
Vicky Bailey (former holiday camp entertainment manager and cruise director)
Trevor Davies (formerly a musician and design manager at The Stage newspaper)
Mike Martin (Musician, Water Rat and formerly a Stage newspaper reviewer)
Adam Press (Entertainer, musician, UK Cabaret/UK-Live designer manager)
Mark Ritchie (UK Cabaret/UK-Live managing editor and former Stage newspaper reviewer)
Johnny Tait (Writer, performer and reviewer)
Catherine Usher (Journalist and reviewer formerly with The Stage newspaper)
If you offer exclusion options to artistes from being the subject of reviews, we will not be able to provide review coverage at your event.
We will always insist on a formal written invitation before we will even consider providing review coverage.
If our reviewers perceive problems within the organisational framework of your event, we reserve the right to publish our reviewer’s views on such problems. No exceptions.
We hope we can help you to spread the word about your company and its showcase successes.
We will consider attending events where the artistes pay a fee in return for a slot in the showcase, but certain conditions apply.
I hope this makes our position on showcase review coverage absolutely and abundantly clear.
Mark Ritchie
Managing editor 01924 890800