A Time for Gratitude
Next month marks 100 issues of UK Cabaret and when we began this publishing adventure I for one never thought we would reach this milestone.
It’s time to relaunch this publication as part of a new company, which will trade as UK Live/ UK Cabaret and we will soon announce details of our content going forward.
We are also pleased and proud to announce that a new event will mark our directional signposts for the future. The UK Cabaret/UK Live Light Entertainment Trade and Jobs Fair is admittedly a long title, but we feel it covers all bases. The date of this event is to be announced in the not-too-distant future and plans are being put into place right now.
It’s also time for me to say a sincere and heartfelt thankyou to a few fine people.
First and foremost our office manager Bev, who also happens to be my wife and despite a long illness, continues to support all that we do.
Martin Brown- Martin has been with us as online manager since the very beginning and his loyalty to this venture has been total.
Adam Press- Adam came on-board and his design work has proved to be a revelation. He is also developing his skills as a reviewer and I thank him for his expertise.
Our team of contributors, including comedy writer Austin Knight, who makes us laugh every month with his comedy page and our review team consists of Catherine Usher, Johnny Tait, Vicky Bailey and Trevor Davies. Lately we have been joined by club writer Ian Jowett and we have several other more occasional contributors who we are equally grateful to, including of course our secret gossip gatherer.
Next month will see UK Cabaret present ourselves as UK Cabaret. Part of the UK Live Group. Our list of coverage will be separated into specific and dedicated space for the following;
UK Cabaret- UK Variety- UK LGBT- UK Clubland- UK Circus- UK Corporate- UK Light entertainment News- UK Showcase- UK Tribute & UK Cruise.
I can’t pretend that we haven’t been disappointed and surprised by certain people in the industry, who have actively campaigned against this publication. I will never fully understand their reasoning for feeling the way they clearly do.
To not support us is one thing, but to deliberately place obstacles in our way in another. Whether it is concerning a personal dislike, envy or just plain bloody-mindedness, I simply refuse to speculate!
All I know for sure is that we will keep chipping away at barriers, keep working and developing this publication and try to maintain the high standards in design, editorial and coverage which we have set ourselves.
If you do hold a current subscription, we thank you for your continued support.
Mark Ritchie