UK Cabaret letters to the editor
We are always delighted to receive the thoughts and opinions of our friends and readers. If you do choose to e mail us at mark.ritchie@ukcabaret.com please send us your full name and contact details. Prior to publication we take all reasonable steps to ensure all messages are genuine and above-board.
Valerie Mann-Equity Yorkshire and north-east branch via e-mail; ‘All the variety branches of Equity would like congratulate you and thank you for the work UK Cabaret put in on behalf of the variety sector’.
Carl De Rome wrote to us via FB to make his views clear on there being no reviewer present from UK Cabaret at the recent Showcase Productions showcase. This was due to our editorial decision not to offer review coverage to the national/ pay to play showcases. Carl wrote;’ I think a lot of the acts at Barrie’s showcase (Barrie Lucas) will have lost a lot of work with not being reviewed, as there really was some top class acts on. I would have welcomed an honest review and I know from speaking to other acts there that they too would have welcomed a review.’
Name and address supplied: A reader who wanted her views published, but did not want to have her name printed said; ’I was so disappointed that there was no record or review to show from my spot at Showcase Productions in The Viva club Blackpool. Apart from members of the public putting posts about our shows on Facebook, we never receive proper write-ups in mags these days as apart from UK Cabaret there are no other mags covering the whole country You provide a great service and I have received some top reviews from Adam Press and Johnnie Tait in the past’